Vivian Aldridge

Representative of the Verband für Blinden- und Sehbehindertenpädagogik e.V (VBS) (organisation of professionals involved in the education and instruction of blind and partially-sighted people in the German-speaking countries) on the Braille Authority of the German-Speaking Countries; on the committee of the VBS braille working group.

Born in the UK in 1960; degree in physics, teacher-training diploma and qualification as teacher of the blind; support teacher for visually-impaired pupils in inclusive education.

In Switzerland since 1989, working in the vocational rehabilitation and training of visually-impaired adults in the Swiss Competence Centre for Visually-Impaired People in Vocational Settings (SIBU) of the Sehbehindertenhilfe Basel (Basle Society for the Welfare of the Visually-Impaired).

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Last updated: 2011-11-07