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Aktuelles und Neues
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Braille lernen in der Schweiz / Apprendre le braille en Suisse
Brailleschrift in der Schule
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AG Braille im Verband für Blinden- und Sehbehindertenpädagogik e.V.
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Das Internationale Braille-Seminar
der Swiss Braille Watchers, 20. - 23.2.1997
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und −rätsel
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Programme und Tipps, die für die Herstellung
von Blindenschrift am PC nützlich sein können
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Hinweise auf
interessante Web-Seiten für Braillefans
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Autor und Kontakt
Verantwortlich für die Gestaltung und den Unterhalt dieser Website ist Vivian Aldridge.
- Die E-Mail-Adresse für den Kontakt besteht aus: "autor" und "@" und "" - natürlich zusammengeschrieben.
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This web site is all about braille.
At present only the following information is available in English:
Information on the following areas are only available in German:
- Questions and answers on braille:
information for those who know
almost nothing and perhaps also for those who already
know a great deal about braille
- A dictionary of contracted braille with words that exemplify
the use of the contractions or could be contracted in
various ways.
- A list of works for the learning and teaching of braille.
- Information from and for the Braille
Working Group of the VBS, an organisation of
professionals involved in the teaching of visually-impaired
people in Germany, Switzerland and Austria
- Braille games and puzzles
- Tools that might be useful for the
production of braille on a PC
- Links to interesting web sites for
braille fans
E-mail contact with the author, Vivian Aldridge:
"autor" und "@" und "" - without the quotes and spaces.
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Letzte Änderung: 2024-08-20